Yoga for Lungs 10 Easy Steps
Everyone naturally breathes. However, some people might not be aware of how to handle respiratory problems. Discover how yoga for lungs may benefit you by reading on!
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Yoga for Lungs |
Yoga for Lungs and How to Do It
Every single one of us naturally breathes. However, not all of our lungs operate normally. It makes sense that some people could experience breathing difficulties and be unsure of how to handle them.
Yoga can help you breathe easier if you do have breathing issues. For the lungs, there are specific yoga poses known asanas that are quite beneficial. Some asanas enhance respiration, while others increase lung capacity. Here are some of the top yoga poses for the lungs:
1. Bhujangasana/Cobra Pose
Bhujangasana will strengthen lung health and stretch out your lungs if you want to practice yoga for healthy lungs. It also aids in mind relaxation.
- Lie face down on the ground.
- Put both of your hands on your shoulders.
- Lift your upper torso up by pressing your palms onto the ground.
- The muscles in your back will stretch.
- Try to extend your arms straight and fix your gaze upward.
- After holding this position for 20 seconds, carefully return to the mat.
2. Matsyasana/Fish Pose
Your heart and lungs will thank you for doing the matsyasana. It increases blood flow and oxygen intake. By enhancing lung and heart function, it helps prevent respiratory diseases.
- Lie on your back and use your arms to support your lower back.
- As you inhale, raise your chest off the ground.
- Keep your back arched and your head where it is.
- Your elbows will aid in keeping your equilibrium.
- Maintain a wide chest and heavy breathing.
- Keep your body in this position as long as you can.
3. Dhanurasana/Bow Pose
This asana is used in yoga to clear the lungs. Additionally, it will assist strengthen your back.
- On your mat, lie flat on your stomach.
- keeping your tummy on the mat while raising your upper body
- Grab your ankles while bending your knees toward your head.
- Hold it tightly, then raise your arms and legs at the same time.
- 30 seconds of holding this posture, then repeat
4. Sukhasana/Cross-Legged Sitting Pose
This pose is ideal if you want to practice yoga poses for healthy lungs. It will increase blood flow and enhance lung performance.
- Cross your legs while you sit.
- Put your hands behind your back in step two. The left wrist should be held in your right hand.
- Inhale deeply and raise your shoulders.
- Lean forward and press your head to your right knee while inhaling.
- Take a breath and return to the beginning posture.
- Continue on the opposite side.
- You can do this a few times on each side.
5. Ardha Matsyendrasana/Sitting Half Spinal Twist
This asana is a breathing exercise in yoga. Opening the chest allows more oxygen to enter the lungs. Due to the relaxation of your back muscles, it might also reduce back discomfort.
- Straighten out your legs when you sit. Keeping your feet collective
- Right leg bent in the direction of left buttock. Placing your left foot over your right knee
- Put your right hand over your left knee, and press your chest to the left with your elbow.
- Take a left shoulder look.
- Maintain a straight back.
- Maintaining this posture for 20 seconds
- Return to the center and place your legs on the opposite side.
- On the right side, repeat.
6. Trikonasana/Triangle Pose
Trikonasana, another excellent lung-clearing yoga pose, will widen your chest. Additionally, it assists in clearing toxins from your lungs, maintaining a healthy functioning of your body.
- Your right foot should be 90 degrees and pointing to the right as you stand straight with your feet 2.5 steps apart.
- 15 degrees should be placed on the left foot.
- Weight distribution between the two feet should be equal.
- Overcome your right side and stoop.
- either place your right hand on your right foot or grasp your right ankle.
- Raise your left hand.
- Your pelvis must be wide and your chest open.
- Maintaining balance in your body will require some concentration.
- Lift your body back to the starting position by utilizing your core strength.
- Repeat the same on the left side
- If you have back or stomach pain, avoid this asana
7. Chakrasana/Wheel Pose
Chakrasana is excellent for increasing your energy and providing you a youthful appearance. Your spine, legs, and abdominal muscles are all strengthened in addition to your shoulders and core muscles being stretched. One of the best yoga breathing techniques for expanding lung capacity is this one.
- Lie down on the mat with your back to it.
- Bring your feet closer to your hips by bending your knees.
- Put your palms behind your shoulders as you extend your arms upward.
- Inhale deeply and place your hands and feet firmly on the ground.
- Lift your hips up to the ceiling.
- Your back should feel stretched throughout.
- Hold for fifteen seconds.
- Bring your body back to the mat gradually.
8. Kapal Bhati Pranayama
A fantastic yoga asana to expand lung capacity is Kapal Bhati Pranayama. It promotes abdominal and lung strength. With the help of this pose, you may link your mind and body and feel rejuvenated.
- Comfortably cross your legs as you sit. Your back ought to be straight.
- Deeply inhale, directing the air to your stomach.
- Try to tuck your stomach within as you exhale.
- Ten times through this breathing exercise.
- If you do this an hour prior to eating, it will help with digestion.
9. Hasta Uttanasana/Raised Arms Pose
This pose is beneficial for digestion and memory as well as your lungs. Additionally, it will provide you energy and lessen exhaustion. Additionally, it stretches your arms, chest, and abdomen.
- Maintain a straight posture and breathe normally.
- Raise your arms above your head as you inhale.
- Your back should be arched as you raise your chest to the sky.
- Knees and elbows should remain straight.
- Ten seconds of holding.
- Inhale deeply and return to the starting posture. Put your arms down.
10. Ustrasana/Camel Pose
If you want to practice yoga for healthy lungs, perform ustrasana. This breathing exercise for the lungs strengthens your arms and shoulders while easing back pain and enhancing digestion.
- Kneel on the mat with your fists spaced evenly apart.
- Hands should remain on hips.
- As you inhale, raise your chest to the sky and arches your back.
- Grip your ankles firmly as you bring your palms down to them.
- Hold for ten seconds.
- As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.